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World Wars » 1900 » 1945

Cold War

When: 1945 - 1990
Where: Varies, Russia, Americas, Asia

Two superpowers emerged from the ashes of the Second World War, the United States and the Soviet Union. The clash of their political ideologies led to a great nuclear arms race and a series of smaller conflicts that ultimately involved these two countries at some level of support. The rest of the world was drawn into the bipolar bloc-system, as most nations were unable to truly stay non-aligned. The East-West conflict came to an end in 1990 with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the consequent downfall of the Eastern Bloc. The economies of North America, Europe and Japan grew to unprecedented levels, while Third World nations struggled to develop.

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History Fact of the Month
Did you know ...

The Origin of Valentine's Day?

Valentines day dates back to Roman times, when a holiday called The Feast of Lubercus was celebrated to protect shepherds and their flocks from wolves. During this time of year, goddess Juno Februata was honored by pairing boys and girls and denoting them 'partners' for a year.

Pope Gelasius declared February 14 St. Valentine's Day around 497 AD, in an effort to replace pagan holidays with Christian tradition. Although the pairing ritual was banished, romance remains the distinctive attribute of this holiday.

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